Thursday, April 08, 2010


Five rounds for time of:

12 Deadlifts (155/ 105)

Hang Power Cleans (155/ 105)

Push Jerks (155/ 105)

My time: 15:01
My weight: 40#s

I'm all beat up. I'm sore, I'm tight in the back. My calves are seizing and cramping up from all the jumping rope I did yesterday. I'm falling apart. I'm glad it's a rest day tomorrow, I need it. I did 4 days in a row.

Going into this WOD, I knew it was going to be tough-- (I always factor in the mental intimidation I have before workout, to see if it affects my performance... nothing concrete yet, but it's all theory)--- David didin't do all 5 rounds, he called it quits after round 3; of course, he was doing 135#s, but that motherfucker is strong, so I knew it had to be the actual movement and function that wiped him out quick. I think the Glassman's are completely deliberate when they post WODs, I don't think they do it willy-nilly. This triplet of lifts created this response in my body that was intense almost too much. After I finished my last push press, I collapsed on the floor and felt like crying. I couldn't hold back the tears. It was like a huge fuckin' release. I don't think the crying had anything to do with anything that is going on in the rest of my life-- everything is great!-- but had everything to do with the mental space I had to push myself to to finish the WOD. I really was going to tap out at round 3, like Diso, but I told myself that I'm more than half way done with the work and that I was going to finish. The last 2 rounds were really really tough, physically and mentally. I had a lump in my throat and I wanted to give up...

Diso saw me crying and I could not explain what was going on with me. I still can't right now. There are no words to explain the emotional response to completing the WOD. The crying was so organic, truly me being completely vulnerable. It still very much boggles my mind right now.

I ate very well today, which I think lent to me powering out the WOD and not giving up.

Ham, onion, Bell pepper scramble
Sauteed mushrooms
a small piece of spinach quiche, which was phenomenal


Roasted Beet and Kale salad w/ Feta and dried Cherries- lemon juice as dressing
6 turkey meatballs with marinara sauce

Another piece of fruit, I don't remember.

I have a half box of produce sitting on my counter, needing to prepped and put away and I am dead tired. Ugh. I need a domestic bitch. 

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