Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rest does things...



I've only been working out once a week. The last time being the hug a twinkie day. 

I programmed this myself. Inspired by the crazy regional wods posted. I'm quite proud that I didn't tap out. 100 reps of each is a lot. 

When I called time I still had gas in my tank. I think all the rest has been pretty good to me.

Oh, I forgot... I did 3 front squats every minute on the minute for 10 minutes at 95#s which is about 87% of my 1RM. I should retest both my 1RM for Front squat and Back squat cause it felt kinda light.

I definitely think I stronger.

Friday, April 13, 2012

This fag hag has never fucked a twinkie

For time:
Run 800 meters
10 rounds of the couplet:
Knees to elbows Weighted Sit-ups (15#), 10 reps
Hug-a-twinky, 10 reps (video below)
Run 800 meters

My time 23:09

Then Mike's Gym. 

1. bs: 83%x3 reps x 10 sets.  @  115#s

2. fs: 70%x3 x 4 sets. @ 90#s which is actually 83% of my 1RM cause I can't read. 

3. sit ups. 100 weighted sit ups. I skipped this cause I already had done 100 weighted sit ups earlier. 

4. 30 chin ups. My wrist is fucked. 

So I have a Triangular fibrocartilage complex sprain. It could potentially need surgery to repair if I do not do the right thing and lay off of it. 6 weeks at least. Then from there see how it goes. If not, Docs will have to place pins in my wrist to hold it all together. 


Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Love that sub-10 time domain

Workout of the Day:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
225 95 pound Back squat
2 1 pood Kettlebell swing

My time: 9:09

 My glutes are soo sore today. Felt good in the low bar position. I probably could have gone heavier, but I wanted to finish sub-10. 



Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Totally Optional ‘Lightning Round!’
12-9-6 reps
For time: 
Overhead Squat 135 45 lbs
Burpee Pull ups



My time 5:40

Kept it light so I can go lightening fast. Happy.