Friday, April 13, 2012

This fag hag has never fucked a twinkie

For time:
Run 800 meters
10 rounds of the couplet:
Knees to elbows Weighted Sit-ups (15#), 10 reps
Hug-a-twinky, 10 reps (video below)
Run 800 meters

My time 23:09

Then Mike's Gym. 

1. bs: 83%x3 reps x 10 sets.  @  115#s

2. fs: 70%x3 x 4 sets. @ 90#s which is actually 83% of my 1RM cause I can't read. 

3. sit ups. 100 weighted sit ups. I skipped this cause I already had done 100 weighted sit ups earlier. 

4. 30 chin ups. My wrist is fucked. 

So I have a Triangular fibrocartilage complex sprain. It could potentially need surgery to repair if I do not do the right thing and lay off of it. 6 weeks at least. Then from there see how it goes. If not, Docs will have to place pins in my wrist to hold it all together. 


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