Saturday, October 23, 2010


AMRAP 16 min: - Results

8 Ring Dips

8 Pistols

8 Deadlifts (185/135)

I'm really happy with the work I did in this WOD. I felt rushed in the warm up, and wasn't too sure what weight I would use for the dead lifts. I warmed up with 77#s and it felt really light. Zeb called 1 min until GO! time, so I hastily stuck on 25# plates. I did 2 reps and it felt good, heavy, but doable. At that point I hadn't done the math of what my bar weighed... 3-2-1-Go! 

The ring dips were worst part for me. I went to muscle failure every round. The pistols are never fun. I used a small box underneath me, since I can't get all the way to the ground just yet. When I got the the dead lift, it felt really fuckin' heavy. I wondered if I would be able to lift them in the future rounds. 

It was good, challenging WOD. I definitely had more energy to keep going when time was called, but my arms were dead, if that makes any sense. 

1 comment:

  1. For a ring dip day, that makes perfect sense to me. Having such a small amount of muscular endurance in my shoulders/triceps is so frustrating!! You're ready to do more, but you don't have any more strength left in the critical muscles.

    Sounds like an awesome WOD, I might have to steal this one for some programming I'm putting together. :-D
