Thursday, December 17, 2009


Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

So the exercise is you start at a challenging weight, from dead position you do one Squat Clean. Then you add weight and do one, and so on and so forth for 7 seven rounds.

Well, I had some technical difficulties and couldn't do the whole skill set. So at 40# I practiced my Hang Clean, then into a Hang Clean Squat with intention to do all the motions together to comprise a Squat Clean.

My shoulders are screaming right now. And I warmed up with jump rope so my calves are going to be feeling dandy tomorrow.

I'm back at it again tomorrow at noon. I plan to take Gay'b to get to Crossfit, yay!

Think you can do better?

Come to Paradiso Crossfit Marina Del Rey

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