Thursday, December 10, 2009


200m Run
3 rounds of:
20-15-10 Kettlebell raises overhead (18#)
3 rope raises/lowers

My time- 7:08

Tabata- A Tabata workout (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes. In a group context, you can keep score by counting how many lifts/jumps/whatever you do in each of the 20 second rounds. The round with the smallest number is your score.

Tabata of Sit ups 4 mins.


So I scored a 4. All with no real stomach muscles. I rule.

This work out really kicked my ass/abs.

Think you can beat my time?

Come to Paradiso Crossfit Marina Del Rey

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